01 Nov

Prescription drug abuse is something that has increased in the past few years. There are some drugs that have been used in the past for psychotherapeutic purposes. Some of them include the stimulants and pain relievers. When people are in pain, they are prescribed to use these drugs to reduce the pain and improve their mood at times. These drugs help a lot if only the patients use them correctly. The problem is that at times people start misusing them. There are people who have lost lives in many countries due to drug overdose. The United States is one of the countries that has many death cases that are related to the drug abuse.

There is one drug that is being overdosed and causing several deaths and the drug is known as Opioid painkillers. The reason as to why prescribed drugs are being overused is because many pharmacists have been given a lot of freedom when it comes to marketing their products. They believe that prescribing opiates to patients will relieve pain and there is no danger of misusing them. Time has changed so many things. In the past it was very hard to obtain drugs outside the hospital. The only drugs that people used to consume were the ones they received from their doctors.

There are very many licensed physicians who can prescribe drugs to patients. The challenge is that such processionals have become very greedy and they try to obtain money through unscrupulous means. Some chemists are also operating illegally and distributing a lot of drugs illegally. In this case any person who wants to abuse drugs will be able to get them as long as they can pay the prices charged in the chemists or by the physicians. There are pharmacists who have become popular in the practice.

Another reason as to why this kind of drug abuse is increasing at high rates is because there are very many drugs stores that are online based. In such shops you can buy any medication because you do not need to show a prescription from a doctor. Their main goal is to make profit and keep the business going. As long as you can afford the medicine and shipping cost, you will receive the drug in just a few minutes. A number of high school kids are also prescription drug abuse. The more you take the drugs, the more you start depending on them. This will make you addicted and getting out of the problem is very hard.

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