Prescription drug abuse and addiction is an ever-growing threat all over the nation. The main reasons for the abuse of the prescription drugs are just similar to any kinds of drugs. For instance, most people utilize prescription drugs so that they could loosen up, while some people desire to lose weight, have fun, or just want to be 'in' in the society. Another main reason for this is that the prescription drugs abuse is why a lot of people mistakenly thought that these drugs are completely safe because they're prescribed medically. In reality, prescription drugs could be very dangerous just like the illicit drugs whenever it is utilized for wrong purposes or incorrectly.
The harm of abusing prescription drugs
Frighteningly, a recent survey about drug abuse that was conducted in the U.S. figured out that almost 25% of the youth between 13 to 17 years old utilize prescription drugs for recreational reasons. This number could really be frightening whenever you are considering all the potential harms of abusing prescription drugs.
The people who abuse these prescription drugs most likely encounter issues at their workplace, school, and home. Also, many of them have problems in connection with the law since they are more susceptible to commit crimes when they abuse such drugs. Sure enough, prescription drugs abuse is linked to serious health problems too. For example, if you take opioid, it could lower your respiratory rate and might lead to certain death.
Consuming depressants and then suddenly ceasing their utilization without the right medical supervision could be the reason why you will suffer from seizures. Moreover, taking such medications together with the other drugs, like allergy medications or alcohol, could slow your heart rate and respiratory rate. This could also cause death to you.
Some prescription drugs could even cause heart failure, increase your temperature, arrhythmia, and many more. In addition, as with any kinds of drugs, a person who abuse prescription drugs could become very addicted to it and would even suffer from withdrawal symptoms whenever they cease in using the drugs.
Acquiring treatment from the abuse
For the people who have been addicted with the prescription drugs, there are numerous treatment choices that you can consider. In fact, there are two categories for the treatment - the pharmacological and the behavioral modifications.
As the word implies, pharmacological medications require certain medicines that could help you in getting over your addiction while the behavioral modifications involve therapeutic maneuvers that would deal with your psychology to avoid using the drugs anymore. Get further details about Prescription Drug Abuse here.
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